Dancing in the Night: Sunday, December 8
Dancing in the Night: The Romance of Writing on Dark Paper with Barry Morentz
Sunday, December 8, 2019, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
$85 Members/$105 Non-Members
Registration here
Writing on black, dark brown, and navy blue paper can be intimidating, but once you are comfortable with the mediums it is lush and visually exciting. We shall write with various white and pastel and metallic colors, while considering the opacity of gouache and the transparency of inks. Beginning with solid colors, we will move on to color blending, wet-on-wet techniques, the use of salt, alcohol and gold powders to create dazzling backgrounds for writing text. We will learn to control our palettes by the incremental addition of white to dark colors. Practical tips for effortless writing on black envelopes will be demonstrated.
(Artwork by Barry Morentz)