Annual General Meeting, 2024

This September the Society of Scribes will reach its milestone anniversary—50 years since 18 enthusiastic scribes decided to form an organization dedicated to the calligraphic arts. We are busy preparing a schedule of events to celebrate the occasion, including workshops, exhibitions, lectures and special presentations.

Our Annual General Meeting, on Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 1:30pm New York time, will kickstart the festivities with an online panel discussion, Who Knew? 50 Years!…how a modest beginning evolved into a recognized center for calligraphic education.

Four of our members will reflect on their experiences as SoS members: Ina Saltz and Eleanor Winters, Board members in the Society’s early years, have gone on to distinguished careers in lettering arts, teaching and publishing. Lynne Yun and Jessie Fora, of more recent vintage, have established themselves in type design and calligraphic tattooing, as well as teaching.

Our star moderator Phan Nguyen will guide the discussion, which will touch on the trajectory of our panelists’ careers and how their calligraphy work has changed in the light of advancing technology. And most especially, how the SoS has figured in their lives…as it has for all of us.

Please join us as we head down Memory Lane, celebrate the present, and eagerly anticipate the future! 

Society of Scribes Annual General Meeting (online)
Sunday, March 24, 2024
1:30pm, New York time

The meeting will be recorded and posted to our
YouTube channel

Eleanor Winters

Eleanor Winters is a commercial as well as fine-art calligrapher, and  the author of six calligraphy instructional books as well as Paris / Auschwitz: Remembering the Children, a collection of her calligraphic paintings commemorating the children of Paris murdered by the Nazis in WWII.*

Eleanor directed the Calligraphy Workshop in New York City, taught at Long Island University, and for many years has taught for the SoS as well as for groups in the US, Europe and Asia. Her calligraphic art has been exhibited around the world.

Eleanor joined the SoS in 1975, serving as Corresponding Secretary and Vice President for several years. She and Carole Maurer edited the Society of Scribes Calligraphers’ Engagement Calendar practically from its inception in 1978 until its final edition in 2005.

Ina Saltz

Ina Saltz is a calligrapher, art director, designer, author, photographer, and Professor Emeritus of Design (at The City College of New York). Ina served as an editorial art director for over twenty-five years, including at Time Magazine.

 She has authored several books on typography and has created nine online courses for LinkedIn Learning, including a beginning italic calligraphy course. She is a graduate of Cooper Union, where she first studied calligraphy, with Don Kunz. Soon after that, she studied with Donald Jackson and Hermann Zapf. In her early twenties she became the first elected president of the Society of Scribes.


Jessie Fora

Jessie Fora is an artist and tattooer at True Hand Society in Philadelphia. She has been a tattooer for 20 years and specifically a lettering artist for about 10 years.

A member of the Philadelphia Calligraphers’ Society, she has also been lucky enough to study under several calligraphers and lettering artists through the Society of Scribes (NYC) and Cooper Union. Jesse has learned all types of lettering from Blackletter to Copperplate, hand lettering and beyond!, Studying calligraphy and its history over the years has shown her proper composition and letterforms which she uses in her work daily as a tattoo artist. She recently joined the SoS Board to work on the Society’s social media presence.


Lynne Yun

Lynne Yun is a Korean/American typeface designer, technologist, and educator. From crafting woven calligraphic pieces to designing type for screens and publications, Lynne’s work spans an evolving set of multimedia to bring a personal touch to everyday interactions.

She is an alumna of the Type@Cooper Extended program, School for Poetic Computation, and ITP at NYU, and has taught for Type@Cooper, Parsons School of Design and the Letterform Archive. She has taught for the SoS and served on its Board as an organizer of the Alice Scholarship, for promising college-age students of calligraphy. She is a partner in SpaceTypeCo, and TypeElectives. 
